Top This Coincidence!

By Eilene Lyon

Little Brother, who lives in the Cleveland area, sent me this image many years ago. It seems that some friends of his decided to take a vacation trip to Vancouver and Seattle back in the early 1990s. Little Brother jokingly asked them to look up his relatives who live in the Northwest.

Weeks later, his friends were showing off their pictures from the trip. He reached this one – his buddy David sitting on the bronze pig at the entrance to Pike Street Market in Seattle, and…

“Imagine my surprise when looking through their pictures after returning home on actually seeing my relatives in one of the pictures! I was floored. Or actually, the pictures were. All over the floor.”

Yes, the three people walking by in the background are our cousin, aunt, and grandmother! My cousin lived in Seattle at the time, but his mom and our grandmother were just there on a visit. And my aunt is even looking at the camera. What are the odds? Can you top it?

43 thoughts on “Top This Coincidence!

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  1. I’m reluctant to get rid of anything because recently I realized that I knew an story behind an old photo. I’d just written the story (about a grandfather giving a terrible haircut to his granddaughter, and her aunt “making lemonade” out of it) when I discovered a photo that had to be taken shortly after the catastrophe!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s quite bizarre! (Or maybe they are doubles… though that would be even weirder! 😉 ) I once saw my double in a cafe – I thought I was looking in a mirror til my husband said the woman was my double!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. When in line at Disney World, I ran into an old neighbor of ours from when I lived in NY in the eighties. This chance encounter happened in 2007, more than twenty years later.

    But no, I don’t think that tops your story. That is amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s a great story. Back in 1977 I fell for a girl while family vacationing a month in Vicksburg Mississippi. I had to leave her but stayed in touch about a year of letters and long distance charges—We later lost touch. Fast forward 4 years and I was heading home from work one evening in Washington state and I picked up a hitchhiker. I asked him where he was from and he said Mississippi. I told him I new a girl in Vicksburg, and he asked me her name. When I told him he replied “no way man, that’s my sister!”
    We went back to my place and we called her. He stayed the night at my house and then we helped him to a bus station to get back home. What are the odds?

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    1. Both my brothers moved there in 1980 when my dad got a job at University Hospitals. Steve live there the rest of his life. Little brother spent ten years in New York before returning to Cleveland. I expect he’ll stay there for the duration, too.

      Liked by 2 people

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