
By Eilene Lyon

A few months back I told my husband (70s and adventurous) that I planned to get him a Go-Pro for Christmas.

“What for?” he asked.

“So when they find your body, I can say ‘Oh, that’s how it happened!’”

Fortunately, The Putterer’s latest adventure did not win him a one-way ticket to the Pearly Gates. But after he gets home from various medical facilities, there will be several months of recuperation and rehab, assisted willingly by Yours Truly.

The Putterer on his dirt bike in Albuquerque, circa 1977.

He’s already reconsidering his outdoor activities of choice (climbing Everest was never on the list). That’s certainly his prerogative. His companion when the accident occurred is even older than him.

The Putterer and me at Wolf Creek Ski Area about 1998.

It’s great to see people who do not let aging keep them from enjoying things they love to do. I’ve known people who downhill ski practically to the very end—I mean in their 80s and older. I hope to do the same, frankly.

I’ll probably stick to tamer slopes as I age, but I don’t ever want to quit as long as I’m physically able to partake in the activity. Same goes for mountain biking. There’s no doubt that even with care, I may do myself some unfortunate injury (it’s happened before).

Riding a penny-farthing backward down the Capitol steps. (Library of Congress)

Life has its inherent risks. Some of us choose to minimize or protect ourselves from many of them. We wear seatbelts and safety gear. Others choose to blatantly tempt them—going mask-less and vaccine-less in a COVID world.

Some people race horses, base jump, ride the giant half-pipe, and other dangerous sports. They do it for thrills, fun, just because they can. I try not to judge others’ choices, unless they impact me (like running red lights, for example). In the end, it comes down to our personal taste for excitement vs. risk.

No one can (or should) make that decision for you.*

When The Putterer starts trying tricks like this, though… (Patrick Case from Pexels)

*Assuming you’re an adult! But please, get your jabs. Thank you.

Feature image: Photo by Emrah AYVALI from Pexels

61 thoughts on “Daredevil

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  1. Great post, Eileen! I never thought I would be backpacking in the Sierras as long as I have into my mid-70s, Hiking poles take away some of the risk of a mis-step, but we always seem to get ourselves in some kind of predicament, nevertheless. But it makes the trip memorable.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Regarding still active hubbies in their 70s. My fatal flaw is that I cannot get beyond the anxiety to recognize that it’s a **good** thing he is eager and able to indulge in his risky pursuits – ie bushwhacking in uncharted territory. Myself, I’m strictly a two-feet-firmly-planted-on-familiar-ground kinda gal and I limit myself that way.

    I hope that the Putterer’s recover is speedy and complete.

    As for the jabs, specifically not getting vaccinated, that sort of risky business is an entirely different snack bracket. I agree – I cannot accept when someone puts others’ lives at risk.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, there are different kinds of risky behavior, but I couldn’t resist getting a “jab” in there.😉 When we are going on an adventure together, we do let each other know where we plan to be and contact when we get back to our vehicle. I’m more likely to be by myself than he is. I mostly stick to trails these days, but I did a bit of bushwhacking on Monday myself.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice to see you are not a mask or vaccine shamer! Nothing seems to be what it appears when it comes to Covid, it seems. Just this week a large masking trial in Bangladesh showed NO difference in disease reduction with no masks or cloth masks but a reduction in disease with surgical masks.


      1. I agree! The scientific response to this virus has already and will continue to accelerate our knowledge of pandemic response. Hopefully when the dust settles it will be science, not politics, that guides us in the future!

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  4. Loved it! I’ve done everything from hiking the entire John Muir trail to surfing 25 foot waves. But now in my “elder years”, I have left most antics to the younger generation. Hope he’s back in the saddle soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I haven’t skied in ages, but I’ll probably take to the slopes this year just as a middle finger to 2020 and its sequel. But in the interim, I keep it slower and steadier with my running, hiking and tennis. I just love getting out and breaking a sweat. Beats breaking my behind. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am not a big risk taker as in physical sports and challenges. I do take risks in other ways, but mainly as necessities. In other words, I can be brave, but rarely foolhardy. But I have felt the craving upon occasion to be foolhardy. I try to keep it in my writing hahaha. A few years ago my husband had the chance to ride an Israeli Mantis around the desert (kind of a form of ATVing) like a maniac, and I was so jealous. I hope the Putterer is doing ok!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sorry to hear about your husband’s accident – hope he gets well soon! I’m definitely the sort of person that errs more on the side of caution, and I can’t say that I have any active or risky hobbies, but I do work out every day and hope I can carry on doing so into old age! My knees already ache half the time though, so who knows.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The photo of the Penny-Farthing on the Capitol steps reminded me of the time I decided to ride my mountain bike down a long flight of steps. I quickly discovered that it’s hard to control the speed of a bike when the wheels aren’t in constant contact with the ground, and it’s even harder to stop! Fortunately, the end was more embarrassing than painful. Live and learn….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I’ll keep my bike off of stairs entirely. The guy in that picture rigged something up to enable him to steer the rear (small) wheel. I would have been terrified that it wouldn’t hold up to the stress. Part of me suspects this stunt led to a spectacular crash!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Certainly the pandemic has curtailed travel a bit. We’ve gone on road trips, though. RV sales were through the roof last year, but I think it’s tapered off. I might be able to find a campsite next week!

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